Michael Hunter, Chairman of the Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians was elected Vice-Chairman of California Tribal Chairpersons Association; as well as the Chairperson of the Central California Tribal Chairpersons Association (CCTCA).
"I am honored to be elected as the Vice-Chairman of the California Tribal Chairpersons Association. For the first time in tribal history, all the regional Chairperson Associations have united together to be one voice."
Chairman Hunter brings unique work experiences to the Coyote Valley Tribe. He previously served as a Tribal Council member and as a General Manager of two nearby casinos. These experiences provided Chairman Hunter with valuable insight into the common operational deficiencies affecting Tribal governments and businesses, as well as the practical skills to implement remedies for the benefit Tribes. In addition to serving as the Chairman, Chairman Hunter also serves as the Chairperson of the Coyote Valley Economic Development Corporation (CEDCO), the Coyote Valley Retail Enterprise (CVRE), the Coyote Valley Hospitality Corporation (CVHC), Coyote Valley Entertainment Enterprises (CVEE) and the Coyote Valley Realty Corporation (CVRC). As Tribal Chairman and leader of the Tribe’s business enterprises, Chairman Hunter is responsible for developing and overseeing the social and economic strategy, and progression of the Tribe. Chairman Hunter’s Tribal Administration has spearheaded various grants, projects, and programs in support of this strategy.
His administration created a General Welfare Program that provides financial assistance to tribal members for basic living expenses. He also created the Tribe’s first Student Recognition Award Program and Tribal Higher Education Program. These two education programs work conjunctively to encourage and acknowledge scholastic accomplishments from elementary to postgraduate levels.
One of the most important accomplishments achieved by Mr. Hunter’s Administration is the recent award of a $1.9 million USDA Water Well Grant. This grant furthers the Tribe’s self-sufficiency and may eventually help the Tribe gain its independence from the diminishing County Water District supply. Once the Tribe’s new water source is paired with a new wastewater treatment system (currently under development), the Tribe will eventually be able to support additional housing for members and further new economic opportunities.
The CEDCO Board of Directors has spearheaded many initiatives that have financially benefited the Tribe. For instance, over the last two years, CEDCO successfully renegotiated, reduced, and paid off over $18 million in debt, and with organizational chart restructuring and with efficient budgeting, the Coyote Valley Casino increased its annual profit by over $2 million dollars enabling further development of the Tribe.
As the Chairperson of CVRE, Mr. Hunter lead the Tribe’s successful effort to secure a Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) guarantee for a loan of up to $6 million. These funds have been allotted to build a convenience store and gas station (Gas-ino). In addition, CVRE oversaw the construction of the Tribe’s second gaming facility (18 and over, non-smoking facility), which is located adjacent to the convenience store.
As Tribal Chairman, Mr. Hunter is committed to the Tribe’s cultural, social, and economic growth for seven generations for all tribes.